Past Performances

2025 Spring Concert

Sat, 15 Mar 2025

2025 Spring Workshop

Sat, 8 Feb 2025
This is a Test Event

2023 Christmas Concert

Sat, 2 Dec 2023

Join us in Harmony 20 and 27 September

Wed, 20 Sep 2023

Sing Vivaldi's Gloria in a Day!

Sat, 4 Feb 2023
A brilliantly successful workhop with nearly 90 singers in great voice at a lovely enue

2022 March - A Spring Bouquet

Sat, 26 Mar 2022

"Unmuted" Two open singing workshops with Questors singers

Wed, 18 Aug 2021


Spring 2020 Mendelssohn's Hymn of Praise

Sat, 29 Feb 2020

We had an exciting opportunity to study and rehearse this work in depth, and learn about its background and where it stands in relation to other works by Mendelssohn, plus the option to continue to a full concert performance with orchestra.

Having registered and paid, a downloadable pdf of the music and rehearsal tracks were made available for participants preparations. Printed and bound copies of the music were provided on the day and some professionals joined us.

The day went as follows:

09.30 Registration

10.00 Session 1

11.20 Refreshment break

11.40 Session 2

12.40 Refreshment break

13.00 Session 3

The day was in preparation for the Spring Concert, with Woodford Symphony Orchestra, on 21 March at All Saints Margaret Street Church, 7 Margaret Street, London, W1W 8JG. Those who wished to sing the Concert, registered to attend our regular Wednesday rehearsals on 4, 11, 18th March and the Concert Day for an extra fee.

Our instructor and conductor for the day was Philip Norman and we have had fabulous feedback confirming the success of the day.

Christmas Concert 2019

Sat, 7 Dec 2019

We would like to take the
opportunity to thank all those who
came to our concert. It was a sell
out which we really appreciate. The feedback is awesome. We would also like to thank our accompanist on keyboard, the Aurelian Brass Ensemble and our Timpanist. They were excellent.


Lucky Dip 2019 Summer Concert

Sat, 13 Jul 2019
The concert went very well with audience participation picking the running order. There was a
very good turn out especially of friends and family of the choir with a good number ex choir members attending. Photographs will be post to our Facebook page and gallery here on our website. 

Sangerstevne 2019

Sat, 18 May 2019

This was a free event open to all. It took place over the whole weekend.. There were a number of concerts through the afternoon with multiple choirs in each one as well as additional fringe concerts over the weekend.

Mozart vs Salieri Spring Concert 2019

Sat, 30 Mar 2019
We had a wonderful evening singing Mozart and Salieri accompanied by Richard
Wilkins on piano and featuring Soprano, Anastasiia Golovina. There was a great turn out and the concert went down very well.

The first half was Mozart with a choir ensemble performing some extra pieces as well as Anastasiia and the second half was Salieri with Anastasiia singing some fabulous solos.

Christmas Concert 2018

Sat, 8 Dec 2018
We were happily joined by a sell out audience with a successful evening of carols, including german carols and even some Mendelssohn accompanied wonderfully with the church organ. The four sequences written by our Music Director, Philip Norman and performed with the Aurelian Brass Ensemble were particularly well received 

We thank everyone who came.

Summer Concert Don't Eat String and Other Good Advice

Sat, 7 Jul 2018

While it was a very warm night we had a very successful evening with an eclectic
mix of pieces including:

  • Cautionary Tales for Children
    • Henry King (who chewed little bits of string)
    • Jim (consumed by a lion)
    • Rebbeca (slamming doors)
    • Matilda (telling lies)
    • Charles Augustus Fortescue (who always did right)
  • Colorado Trail
  • What a Wonderful World
  • Listen to the Lambs
  • Buddy, Can you spare a Dime?

and many more including some ensemble pieces and solo's performed by Fiona Gardner.

Accompanied by Douglas Tang and Richard Wilkins and arranged and conducted by Philip Norman.

SangerStevne 2018

Sat, 19 May 2018

There were a number of concerts through the afternoon with multiple choirs in each one as well as additional fringe concerts over the weekend.

There are photographs available on the London Sangerstevne(link is external) and Sangerstevne(link is external) Facebook pages

Spring Glory - Questors Spring Concert

Sat, 24 Mar 2018
The 60 - 70 voices of the Questors’ choir gave it their all at their Spring concert at St Martin’s Church in Acton on Saturday, performing four dramatic choral works in a variety of musical styles. They were supported by the combined talents of inspired accompanist Richard Wilkins, on piano, and guest artist Peter Hopkins on keyboard. Peter also filled the church with sound when he performed “Pièce d’orgue”, an early work by Johann Sebastian Bach, on the church organ.
The evening opened with an attention-grabbing fanfare, originally composed as a welcome to Princess Astrid of Norway, followed by a both soulful and celebratory “Missa Brevis” (brief mass). This had been attributed to an unknown composer called Antonio Caldini but, it was revealed on the night, was actually written by the choir’s enthusiastic musical director, Philip Norman, who also conducted.
The organ piece was followed by a stirring song from Victorian composer Charles Parry’s “War and Peace” and the concert ended with the richly expressive melodies of Luigi Cherubini’s “Requiem in C minor”.
It was a programme of contrasting musical styles, arousing a range of emotions in the appreciative audience. One audience member commented that she found the Requiem “very moving”. Others said they were fascinated by the complex layering of its sounds.
Judging by its title “Don’t Eat String” the choir’s next concert, on Saturday 7th July, also at 7.30 pm in St Martin’s church, will be a much lighter hearted event. Weekly rehearsals start at 8.00 pm on Wednesday 18th April, in the church hall, and new members are always welcome - no experience necessary. For further information contact or 07802 720 333"

Sing the Cherubini Requiem Workshop

Thu, 18 Jan 2018
Philip Norman entertained us through the afternoon with detailed knowledge of the history and workings of Requiem Mass's with examples of famous and not so, versions and how composors constructed their music. There were over 35 in the audience all happily taking part in the singing of pieces.

Hark Now Hear - Christmas Concert

Sat, 9 Dec 2017

We had a fantastic night with another sell out Christmas concert with a full and entertaining program set by Philip Norman our Musical Driector.

We were also joined by the Aurelian Brass Ensemble and helping to set the mood everyone was also able to enjoy a complimentary glass or wine\juice and a mince pie during the interval.

Beastly Songs - Summer Concert

Sat, 8 Jul 2017

Questors Choir sang to an appreciative audience at St Martin’s Church on Saturday evening. The choir, arranged and directed brilliantly by choirmaster Philip Norman, sang Brahms and popular songs, and a lot about beasts – donkeys, dinosaurs, pigs, penguins and more – much to the delight of all. The choir’s harmonies were enhanced by Fiona Gardner’s flute and soprano solos, some lovely ensemble pieces, Mike Gahan and Ellie Marden singing the Hippopotamus song, poetry readings, and of course, Richard Wilkins’ sparkling piano accompaniment.


Questors Choir at SangerStevne 2017

Sat, 20 May 2017
We performed the "Kyrie" and "Gloria" from Missa Choralis by Franz Liszt which we also performed at our Spring Concert with the Harlow Singers(link is external).

The Sangerstevne was very well attended at all of its venues and concerts.

2017 Spring Concert

Sat, 25 Mar 2017

Here is the press release provided by our Publicity officer Dick Johns:

Questors Choir Spring Concert

Questors Choir sang to an appreciative audience at St Martin’s Church on Saturday evening. The choir, directed by Philip Norman, burst into Spring with two powerful pieces – Missa Choralis by Franz Liszt, the first flowering of musical superstar Liszt’s religious awakening in 1864, and Charles Gounod’s Messe solennelle de Paques (1874) – the best of sacred music in full bloom. The choir’s glorious harmonies were enhanced by Richard Wilkins’ piano accompaniment, and organ pieces played by Gary Sieling.

Questors Choir – Concert of Liszt and Gounod - was held on Saturday 25th March at St Martin's in West Acton. Questors Choir is open to all. Rehearsals are at St Martin’s church hall, Hale Gardens W3 9SQ each Wednesday at 8pm. See

Sing Solemnis Bach, Beethoven and the Latin Mass

Sat, 21 Jan 2017
We had an enjoyable afternoon of singing music by Liszt, Gounod and more, with presentations about the musical background, and how Bach, Beethoven and other composers set standards and goalposts, even though we had to decamp to the church hall because it was much warmer there. There were over 40 attendees with many non choir members, which was wonderful.
The program for the afternoon was: (though because of the move to the hall we did run 30 minutes late which we are very sorry for, though this was out of our hands)

Sleigh Ride, Christmas Concert 2016

Sat, 10 Dec 2016

Questors Choir sang to a packed St Martin’s Church on Saturday at their annual Christmas concert.

The choir delighted their audience with a whirl of Christmas music, arranged and conducted by Philip Norman. There were showbiz favourites - ‘Sleigh Ride’ and ‘The most wonderful time of the year’, there was ‘Only a little village’ (quaint Victorian schmaltz!), and there was Gounod’s angelic ‘Gloria’. On top of this, the concert included specially arranged sequences of carols for choir and audience interspersed with bright brass interludes by the Aurelian Brass ensemble. In addition, there were songs for choral trio, quintet and ensemble, and a dazzling solo by soprano Fiona Gardner.

Talk on Carols by PKN

Wed, 26 Oct 2016
We had an enlightened and entertaining evening with Philip giving a very good talk on Christmas carols.

Summer Selection: Summer Concert

Sat, 9 Jul 2016

A wonderful and entertaining evening was had by all. A good turn out for a Summer Concert which included a piece written by the accompanist Richard Wilkins which was premiered at the concert. He was extremely happy with the performance.

Pieces arranged by the Musical Director Philip Norman were also very well received, particularly with amusement the way he kept the choir holding one note on his piece Kalinka.

Questors Choir 2016 at the London Sangerstevne

Sat, 14 May 2016

Questors Choir were very pleased to be included in the line up of this Sangerstevne. We will be performing the "Kyrie" and "Gloria" from Missa Choralis by Franz Liszt which we are also performing as part of our Spring Concert.

We had an enjoyable time with a good turn out of the choir.

Spring Concert 2016 Beethoven's Vienna

Mon, 14 Mar 2016

Press article issued 14th March 2016

"Questors Choir – Beethoven’s Vienna and the crème de la crème

Questors Choir's Spring concert on Saturday night in St Martin’s Church, West Acton echoed to the choral harmonies that Beethoven would have heard in 19th century Vienna. We heard works by Salieri, Mozart, Haydn, Hummel, Schubert and of course Beethoven. The audience also welcomed soloist Anastasiia Golovina. This young Ukranian singer had joined the choir when she lived in Ealing some years ago, and has since gone on to study at the Guildhall College of Music and Drama. As musical director Philip Norman commented, she has now returned to sing with the choir as one of the “crème de la crème” of sopranos, covering the highest of top notes with easy grace. Anastasiia treated the audience to songs by Schubert, and sang solo in the choir’s rendition of ‘Christ on the Mount of Olives’. Choral and solo pieces were deftly accompanied on piano by Richard Wilkinson. And that’s not all – Norwegian touring choir ‘Young Voices’ conducted by Elin Persson, added a further dimension to the programme. They charmed the audience with their close harmonies in two interludes of traditional and modern song from Norway and around the world.

Questors Choir – Beethoven’s Vienna - was held on Saturday 12th March at St Martin's Church, W3 9SQ. Questors Choir is open to all. Rehearsals are at St Martin’s church hall, Hale Gardens W3 9SQ each Wednesday at 8pm. See"


Photographs of the concert are available via our Facebook page. You do NOT need to have an account to view them. There are 2 pages, those taken by Alastair Mitton and those by Simon Bishop. Just click on the links below:

Click here for pictures by Alastair Mitton of our Spring 2016 concert(link is external)

Click here for pictures by Simon Bishop of our Spring 2016 concert

Christmas concert 2015 Sing Ye Loud

Sat, 5 Dec 2015
As usual we shall be performing a wonderful range of Christmas music, with many new arrangements, sequences including sing-along carols, Worthy it the Lamb from the Messiah, Michael Praetorius, 2 cradle songs by Max Reger, the conclusion of JK Paine’s Nativity, some Mendelssohn - AND Aurelian Brass

Workshop Singer's Guide (to music)

Sat, 3 Oct 2015

We covered such topics as: standing/sitting, breathing, warm ups, watching, vowels, consonants, diphthongs, starting, ending, not breathing (or seeming not to), finding notes, counting, long notes, balance and leaps, singing in tune, hearing and listening, singing in parts, sight-singing etc.

Apart from looking in detail at various aspects of technique, we sang a number of pieces, to which we applied what we learnt.

Summer Concert 2015 Across the Pond

Sat, 11 Jul 2015

There was a full house for Questors Choir's celebration of 200 years of American music at St Martin's Church in West Acton. This Questors Choir Summer Concert coincided with the bicentenary of American President John Quincy Adams time living in Ealing. The programme included spiritualsthe first American classical works by John K Payne and Horatio W Parker, and then Jazz, musicals, country and of course rock'n roll. The audience would have known most of the music, but might not have been familiar with the earlier classic and religious pieces. Of course, good old John Quincy Adams would have loved them

The Choir sang: I feel pretty; Kyrie from Mass in D; Come where my love lies dreaming; Joshua fit the battle of Jericho ; My Lord! What a Morning;  Listen to the lambs; When I see an elephant fly; Sixteen tons; Hora Novissima; Ain’t misbehavin’; Are you lonesome tonight?; Jailhouse Rock. Questors ensemble offered the shapenote Anthem from Revelation, The Way We Were and Lipstick on Your Collar; and there were solo items from choir members. Pictures: Simon Bishop

Little Ealing History Group – An American President in Ealing – is external)

Sanverstevne 2015 Weekend 15-17 May

Fri, 15 May 2015

The main event of each Sangerstevne is the Festival on the Saturday afternoon and evening. A series of concerts will be held in St Matthew's Church, North Common Road, Ealing W5 2QA. Read more about the Festival at is external)


Spring Concert 2015 Grand Passion with Hat stand Opera

Sat, 21 Mar 2015

Following the enormously successful concert in spring 2012, the audience enjoyed another night of great and famous opera choruses from the choir, together with musically exhilarating solo and ensemble pieces from the stars of Hatstand Opera ( is external)).

The programme included:

Donizetti : Chorus of the Wedding Guests from Lucia di Lammermoor/ Leoncavallo: Bell Chorus from Pagliacci/ Mussorsky: Coronation Scene from Boris Godunov/ Rossini: Prayer from Moses/ Johann Strauss: Brother Mine from Die Fledermaus/ Tchaikovsky: Waltz Scene from Eugene Onegin/ Verdi: Brindisi from La Traviata/ Verdi: Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves  and The Moment Approaches, from Nabucco/ Wagner: Pilgrim’s Chorus from Tannhauser

2014 Christmas Hear the Angels Sing

Sun, 7 Dec 2014
There are no recorded details of this event

Christmas 2014 Concert

Sat, 6 Dec 2014

There was a full house for Questors Choir's well established Christmas concert. The concert started with the Choir processing toward the stage to the sound of a flautist and sopranos singing of the Angel Gabriel. This set the scene for an immensely varied evening of choral music interspersed with pieces by the Aurelian Brass Ensemble and by soloists and small groups of singers. The choir was ably accompanied by Gary Sieling.

The programme ranged from traditional carols like God Rest You, Merry Gentlemen and The First Nowell, to products of Hollywood and Tin Pan Alley such as Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (1944) and Winter Wonderland (1934).

Much of the music was well known, though often with new arrangements by musical director Philip Norman - and certainly the way the carol sequences were woven together is typical of the Questors Choir's accomplished director. He also introduced some rarely heard and classic pieces – Great God in Heaven and In Bethlehem City (traditional), and Somervell’s Glory to God.

The concert was dedicated to the late Mark Tompsett, who had been such an active member of Questors choir and other groups.

Workshop: Cracking the Choral Code

Tue, 14 Oct 2014

The day will offer practical help to learn about choral singing, for experienced singers it will be a great way to kick-start the singing year. 

09.45 Registration and coffee: Session runs10.00-11.15 and 11.30-12.30

A morning for the new or hesitant singer, giving you the opportunity to try out your voice, brush-up the basics of choral singing and discover the singer you really are, During this session, clear-cut, known pieces, with a broad sweep of melody and harmony, will be used as the basis for learning confidence-giving techniques.

1.15 Registration and coffee: Session runs 1-30-2.15 and 2.30 - 4.00 

An afternoon for the seasoned singer, reminding you of the finer details of choral singing, sharpening your techniques and honing your skills. At this second session, some standard repertoire will be closely and rigorously rehearsed

Summer Concert: "Summer Romance"

Sat, 12 Jul 2014
On a warm Summer night at St John's church in West Ealing, Questors Choir treated their audience to the highs and lows of romantic love, through the music of Brahms and Elgar.
The concert started with Brahms' 1868 love songs in waltz time, summing up the hope, joy and despair of love. Some were sung by the full choir, and others as ensemble pieces by small groups of choir singers. All were expertly accompanied by the two pianists,Richard Wilkins and Anne Marshall, playing together. There were also duet and solo interludes sung by choir members.
The second half of the concert comprised Edward Elgar's take on German romantic tradition. His six songs from the Bavarian Highlands were inspired by a holiday that he and his wife Alice took in the Bavarian Alps in 1894. In fact, Alice created the lyrics by adapting folk songs to her husband's music. As with Brahms, these choral pieces portray a wide range of emotions – the bliss and pain of love, a mother's tenderness to her baby and even the exhilaration of hunting in the mountains.
You can see all the photos of the concert, taken by Alistair Mitton, in our Photo Gallery Here is a selection

The Land Without Music

Fri, 14 Mar 2014

n Edwardian England, choirs were popular and flourishing. Nevertheless, German journalist Oskar Schmitz argued that England was the only cultured nation without its own music. Well, England may not have had a Mozart or a Beethoven, but people had lots of fun singing the songs made in England. This Edwardian spirit was captured at the Questors Choir concert 'Land without Music' on Saturday night at St John's church in Mattock Lane. Musical director Philip Norman served up choral pieces by Coleridge-Taylor, Sullivan, Parry, Elgar, Stanford, Barnett, Lloyd and Gaul, as well as English part songs for small groups of singers, and songs by guest soloists Danny Standing (baritone) and Inge-Lise Nygaard Parsons. As ever, the singers were superbly accompanied by Richard Wilkins on piano. The audience was carried through themes of love, comedy, adventure, religion and patriotism - and back - and everyone was enchanted.

The choir sang:

You Shall Hear, Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (from Haiwatha’s Wedding Feast, 1898)

 O’er the Bright Blue Sea, Arthur Sullivan (from HMS Pinafore, 1878)

 Hamelin Town, Charles H H Parry (from The Pied Piper of Hamelin, 1905)

 Epilogue, Edward Elgar (from The Banner of St George, 1897)

 Magnificat, Charles Villiers Stanford ( from Service music in Bb, late 19thC)

 And Now the Storm Blast Came, John Barnett (from The Ancient Mariner, 1867)

 Up with the Sails, Charles H Lloyd (from Hero and Leander, 1884)

 They that Sow in Tears, Alfred Gaul (from The Holy City, 1882)

2013 Bubble and Squeak

Sun, 13 Oct 2013
A spectacular mixture from Acis and Galatea by Handel to Alexander's Ragtime band kept the large audience well-entertained on a hot summer evening. 

A spectacular mixture from Acis and Galatea by Handel to Alexander's Ragtime band kept the large audience well-entertained on a hot summer evening. 
See also: is external)

Programme:                                                                         (** arr. Philip Norman)
Choir: Alexander's RagtimBand** by Irving Berlin; Roses of Picardy** by Haydn Wood
Patrick SmartGuitar: Waltz by FranciscTarrega; The Voyage of the LiquiVortex by Patrick Smart
AnastasiGolovina: I Capuleti e i Montecchi by  Vincenzo Bellini
Choir: OPeaceful Night by EdwarGerman; BrightlDawns Our Wedding Day by Arthur Sullivan
Richard Wilkins and Betty Roe: Camping Out by Jeremy Nicholas
Ellie Marden, FionGardner, JoannWythe: Taint What You Do by Oliver Young; Fly Me to thMoon by BarHoward
Choir: Buddycan yospare a Dim** by Harburg & Gorney; BluMoon** by Rodgers & Hart
Choir: Wretched Lover(from Acis & Galatea) by GF Handel

FionGardne(Flute), JoannWyth(Double Bass): ConcerRondo                                                                                         Anon.
Rachel Seghers & Betty Roe: Deep Purple by Peter de Rose
Choir: I Remember it Well** by Lerner & Lowe; The GurBlack Dog of Somerset by Barton & Forrest
Mike Gahan: Bad Times JusAround The Corner by Noel Coward

Vocal ensemble: The BolBenjami(ArrBettRoe) Traditional; The Bird Song (Arr: Betty Roe) Traditional
Choir: What a Wonderful World** by Thiele & Weiss; ThEntertainer** by ScotJoplin

2013 Workshop Choral Discovery Day

Sat, 5 Oct 2013

Programme and Booking: Existing members will find that the sessions are a great way to kick-start the singing year. We also welcome anyone planning to join a/ our choir and members of other choirs.

A morning for the new or hesitant singer, giving you the opportunity to try out your voice, brush-up the basics of choral singing and discover the singer you really are, During this session, clear-cut, known pieces, with a broad sweep of melody and harmony, will be used as the basis for learning confidence-giving techniques.

A morning for the new or hesitant singer, giving you the opportunity to try out your voice, brush-up the basics of choral singing and discover the singer you really are, During this session, clear-cut, known pieces, with a broad sweep of melody and harmony, will be used as the basis for learning confidence-giving techniques.

An afternoon for the seasoned singer, reminding you of the finer details of choral singing, sharpening your techniques and honing your skills. At this second session, some standard repertoire will be closely and rigourously rehearsed.

09.45 Registration and coffee
10.00-11.15 and 11.30-12.30 Session 1 - we will work on some of the following and music will be provided on the day,
Carol - Adam Lay Ybounden:                  Warlock
Folk Song - Barbara Allen:                      Traditional
Song - Welcome to my World:                Winkler & Hathcock
Song - Where do I Begin?:                      Francis Lai
Song - Bring Me Sunshine:                     Dee & Kent 

13.15 Registration and coffee
13-30-14.15 and 14.30 - 16.00 Session 2 - working on the following which you can download here Music for afternoon session
Chorale - Wachet Auf:                            Bach
Motet - Gaudent in Coelis:                      Victoria
Motet - Ave Maris Stella:                        Liszt
Song - I Feel Pretty:                               Bernstein  
Book Now by clicking on your session/voice below or contact us by emai 
Morning: Soprano    |Morning: Alto    |Morning: Tenor     |Morning: Bass
Afternoon: Soprano|Afternoon: Alto |Afternoon: Tenor |Afternoon: Bass
All day: Soprano       |All day: Alto      |All day: Tenor       |All day: Bass

If you are booking on-line for more than one person: 
Same voice - amend the number of tickets and update your Cart. Please type the extra Names and email addresses in 'Order Comments' in the Cart.
Different voices - please select separate tickets for the different voices. Please type the extra Voices; Names and email addresses in 'Order Comments' in the Cart. 

Admin details
St Martin’s in Hale Gardens is just off the Uxbridge Rd and easy to get to by public transport. The nearest tube stations are Ealing Common (Piccadilly and District Lines) and West Acton (Central Line). There are also frequent buses along the nearby Uxbridge Road – if you get the 207 or 427, your stop is at Birch Grove. The best thing to do is go to the Transport for London journey planner(link is external).  If you do have to drive, there is plenty of parking in the streets around the church.
Lunch is not provided but there are several cafes/ restaurants witin walking distance.

2007 Fanfare for Christmas

Sat, 8 Dec 2007
With the Aurelian Brass Ensemble      

2007 Synger Sammen, Sing Together

Fri, 5 Oct 2007
A joint concert with Øystre-Slidre Sanglag from Norway       

2007 Workshop Sing Beethoven and Haydn

Sat, 7 Jul 2007

Haydn Maria Therese Te Deum           

Beethoven Mass in C

2007 Silly & Sad Songs

Sat, 24 Mar 2007
Included Chilcott Irish Blessing, Rutter Let’s Begin Again, & Luc Goosen’s Desiderata 

2006 Various concerts

Sun, 1 Jan 2006
Saturday, 9 December, 2006 - 19:30
St Peter’s, Mount Park Road

The Purple Cow

Saturday, 11 March, 2006 - 19:30
St Peter’s, Mount Park Road

2005 Viva Vivaldi!

Sat, 15 Oct 2005
Vivaldi Magnificat and Gloria               

2005 The Way We Were

Sat, 9 Jul 2005
No details exist for this concert

2005 West London Sangerstevne

Sun, 5 Jun 2005
No Details for this event

2005 Sound The Trumpet!

Sat, 19 Mar 2005
20th Anniversary Concert featuring music by Britten, Grieg, Arcadelt, Caldini, Beethoven, Solfa Carlile, etc.

2003 Liszt and Elgar

Sat, 1 Nov 2003

Liszt Missa Choralis

Elgar Te Deum & Benedictus

Howells Psalm Prelude (Organ)

2003 Puccini and Schubert

Sat, 12 Apr 2003

Puccini Messa di Gloria

Schubert Mass in A Flat

2003-4 Various Concerts

Wed, 1 Jan 2003

Workshop  Victorian Follies!

Friday, 15 October, 2004 - 19:30
St Peter’s, Mount Park Road

Choral workshop


Lipstick on your Collar

Saturday, 10 July, 2004 - 19:30
St James’s, St James Avenue

Folk & Pop Songs


Mozart vs Salieri!

Sunday, 21 March, 2004 - 19:30
St Peter’s, Mount Park Road

Salieri Requiem in C Minor

Mozart Coronation Mass in C


Christmas carols

Saturday, 20 December, 2003 - 19:30
St Mary’s, St Marys Road

2002 Bach, Bernstein and Haydn

Sat, 23 Mar 2002
Bach Magnificat
Bernstein Chichester Psalms
Haydn Nelson Mass

2002 Various concerts

Tue, 1 Jan 2002

Christmas carols

Thursday, 12 December, 2002 - 19:30
Questors Theatre

A Unique Mass

Saturday, 19 October, 2002 - 19:30
St Martin’s, Hale Gardens

Stanford 3 Motets

Tippett 5 Negro Spirituals

Mozart Requiem (extracts)

Fauré Requiem (extracts)


By Popular Demand…

Saturday, 29 June, 2002 - 19:30
Church of Ascension Hall, Beaufort Road

2001 Christmas Carols

Sat, 15 Dec 2001
No details for this event are available

2001 Sons from the shows

Sat, 30 Jun 2001
No extra details for this event are available

2001 Rossini Petite Messe Solenelle

Sat, 31 Mar 2001
No extra details are available for this event

2000 various concerts

Mon, 1 Jan 2001
No extra details are stored for the events below

Christmas carols

Friday, 15 December, 2000 - 19:30
St Martin's, Hale Gardens

(exact date unknown)


French songs

Saturday, 15 July, 2000 - 19:30
St Martin's, Hale Gardens

French songs by Trenet, Durufle, Saint Saens, etc
Poulenc Gloria


Fri, 21 Jun 1996

Haydn & Handel

Sat, 23 Mar 1996

Haydn Nelson Mass

Handel As Longs the Hart 
and Concerto in F Major for Organ and Orchestra