Questors Constitution

Choir objectives:

  1. To provide enjoyment from singing for choir members.
  2. To provide a friendly social environment for choir members.
  3. To produce concerts of as high a standard as possible.
  4. To further improve the quality of singing of the choir.
  5. To maintain choir numbers at about 60-70 members, and to increase the number of male singers.
  6. To constantly strive to increase audience numbers through appropriate repertoire (eg popular, well-known pieces), high standard of performance and diverse publicity.
  7. To maintain a high profile.
  8. To continue to maintain a strong relationship with Questors Theatre for mutual benefit.
  9. To develop a repertoire of varied pieces which can be sung at short notice at various events.
  10. To participate in various events, particularly in Ealing and London, which are of interest to choir members.
  11. To support charitable events in Ealing and London.

Management of the choir

is in the hands of the Executive Committee, elected at the Annual General Meeting in Term 1 (the Autumn term) of each Choir Year.  The designated roles on the Executive Committee are:

  1. Chairman
  2. Secretary
  3. Treasurer
  4. Membership Secretary
  5. One representative from each section of the Choir (Sopranos, Altos and Tenors/Bases)
  6. Publicity Officer
  7. Webmaster
  8. Concert Secretary

Other roles within the choir include Choir Librarian, Fundraiser and Community Liaison Secretary. The Executive Committee reserves the right to co-opt these or any additional members as necessary.

The Musical Director may also attend Committee meetings. 

The Executive Committee arranges concert dates and locations. Together with the Musical Director (and taking suggestions from the Choir) it also sets the programmes for concerts. The Executive Committee also informs the choir of extra possible activities/other choirs' concerts etc.

The Executive Committee and choir are backed by the necessary insurance.

The Choir is a registered charity and participates in the Gift Aid scheme.

maintain financial viability of the choir.

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Questors Choir